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Teresita Tejada (pharmaceuticals) on Twitter: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
HYDROCODONE APAP – How to buy Vicodin * FDA Approved Medications! *
HYDROCODONE APAP – How to buy Vicodin * FDA Approved Medications! *: "Grand Rapids, Michigan:
Q: What is Vicodin ?
Answer: Vicodin is a brand name prescription drug containing a two active ingredients Hydrocodone Bitarate (a narcotic analgesic) and Acetaminophen. Regular Vicodin tablets contain 5 milligrams of Hydrocodone Bitrate and 500 milligrams of Acetaminophen each. Vicodin ES and Vicodin HP contain respectively 7.5 and 10mg Hydrocodone Bitrate.
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Answer: Vicodin can be purchased at almost every U.S. pharmacy. There are also U.S. and foreign pharmacies that sell generic Vicodin. Legit U.S. pain patients can often obtain their Vicodin refill through the phone through use of doctor referral services online.
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A: If you buy Vicodin at a licensed pharmacy with a legit prescription than yes. It is not legal for consumers to buy Vicodin without prescription.
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Q: Is Vicodin a Controlled Substance?
A: Yes, Vicodin contains Hydrocodone which is a CII controlled controlled substance according to the controlled substance act (CSA) of 1970. Vicodin itself was granted approval as a CIII substance do to its combination with Acetaminophen. While formulas containing Hydrocodone/APAP received approval as CIII controlled substances, Oxycodone/APAP mixtures such as Percocet did not and remained CII controlled substances.
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A: It depends on your location and on the the dispensing pharmacy filling your Vicodin prescription. If the prescribing physician calls your Vicodin prescription in at a licensed U.S. pharmacy, than Vicodin Overnight Delivery may be available via courier at an additional fee. Licensed discount pharmacies within the USA generally offer Vicodin overnight shipping.
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A: Pharmacies that sell Vicodin and Vicodin generic prescription drugs containing Hydrocodone can be found through the internet. Websites like FindRxOnline monitor and report on U.S. and foreign pharmacies that sell Vicodin online, its generic equivalent, and other narcotic pain pills. You should not buy Vicodin from pharmacies that do not ask for your prescription, or if Hydrocodone is an illegal substance in the country where you reside.
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A: Yes, Vicodin is both physically and mentally addictive because it contains the semi-synthetic opiate Hydrocodone Bitrate which is known to cause among others euphoria and physical dependency. Physical Vicodin dependency is however rare when used for shorter periods of time and as prescribed.
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A: You should avoid medications that suppress the central nervous system when using Vicodin. If your doctor prescribes Vicodin you should sure he knows about anxiety drugs, sleeping medications, or drugs that may otherwise suppress the central nervous system including but not limited to other narcotic pain pills.
Q: How about snorting Vicodin, is it illegal?
A: While snorting Vicodin is not illegal it is very unhealthy, mainly due to the large amounts of Acetaminophen contained within each Vicodin tablet. Even when Hydrocodone is the only active ingredient such as in brands like Biocodone (Belgium) and Hycodan (Canada), snorting is recommended against due to the fillers in such pills and general particle abortion by the lungs which is harmful. It is much less harmful to orally ingest Vicodin as intended. Snorting Vicodin or other pain pills is harmful and often plain out dangerous.
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Q: What is Vicodin ?
Answer: Vicodin is a brand name prescription drug containing a two active ingredients Hydrocodone Bitarate (a narcotic analgesic) and Acetaminophen. Regular Vicodin tablets contain 5 milligrams of Hydrocodone Bitrate and 500 milligrams of Acetaminophen each. Vicodin ES and Vicodin HP contain respectively 7.5 and 10mg Hydrocodone Bitrate.
Q: Where can I buy Vicodin?
Answer: Vicodin can be purchased at almost every U.S. pharmacy. There are also U.S. and foreign pharmacies that sell generic Vicodin. Legit U.S. pain patients can often obtain their Vicodin refill through the phone through use of doctor referral services online.
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A: If you buy Vicodin at a licensed pharmacy with a legit prescription than yes. It is not legal for consumers to buy Vicodin without prescription.
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Q: Is Vicodin a Controlled Substance?
A: Yes, Vicodin contains Hydrocodone which is a CII controlled controlled substance according to the controlled substance act (CSA) of 1970. Vicodin itself was granted approval as a CIII substance do to its combination with Acetaminophen. While formulas containing Hydrocodone/APAP received approval as CIII controlled substances, Oxycodone/APAP mixtures such as Percocet did not and remained CII controlled substances.
Q: Can I buy Vicodin overnight?
A: It depends on your location and on the the dispensing pharmacy filling your Vicodin prescription. If the prescribing physician calls your Vicodin prescription in at a licensed U.S. pharmacy, than Vicodin Overnight Delivery may be available via courier at an additional fee. Licensed discount pharmacies within the USA generally offer Vicodin overnight shipping.
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A: Pharmacies that sell Vicodin and Vicodin generic prescription drugs containing Hydrocodone can be found through the internet. Websites like FindRxOnline monitor and report on U.S. and foreign pharmacies that sell Vicodin online, its generic equivalent, and other narcotic pain pills. You should not buy Vicodin from pharmacies that do not ask for your prescription, or if Hydrocodone is an illegal substance in the country where you reside.
Q: Can I become addicted to Vicodin?
A: Yes, Vicodin is both physically and mentally addictive because it contains the semi-synthetic opiate Hydrocodone Bitrate which is known to cause among others euphoria and physical dependency. Physical Vicodin dependency is however rare when used for shorter periods of time and as prescribed.
Q: Can I mix Vicodin with other prescription drugs?
A: You should avoid medications that suppress the central nervous system when using Vicodin. If your doctor prescribes Vicodin you should sure he knows about anxiety drugs, sleeping medications, or drugs that may otherwise suppress the central nervous system including but not limited to other narcotic pain pills.
Q: How about snorting Vicodin, is it illegal?
A: While snorting Vicodin is not illegal it is very unhealthy, mainly due to the large amounts of Acetaminophen contained within each Vicodin tablet. Even when Hydrocodone is the only active ingredient such as in brands like Biocodone (Belgium) and Hycodan (Canada), snorting is recommended against due to the fillers in such pills and general particle abortion by the lungs which is harmful. It is much less harmful to orally ingest Vicodin as intended. Snorting Vicodin or other pain pills is harmful and often plain out dangerous.
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Thursday, May 13, 2010
HYDROCODONE APAP – How to buy Vicodin * FDA Approved Medications! *
HYDROCODONE APAP – How to buy Vicodin * FDA Approved Medications! *: "Legally Buy Hydrocodone/APAP Overnight?
May 6th, 2010
Q: What is Hydrocodone/APAP ?
Answer: Hydrocodone APAP (aka Hydro/APAP) is the combination of Hydrocodone Bitrate and Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) found in prescription drugs known under brand names like Vicodin, Vicodin ES, Lortab, Lorcet and Norco.
Q: Where can I buy Hydrocodone/APAP?
Answer: Hydrocodone/APAP is found in almost every U.S. pharmacy. There are also foreign pharmacies that sell this formula. Legit U.S. pain patients can often obtain refills for Hydrocodone APAP over the phone through use of doctor referral services online.
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A: If you buy Hydrocodone/APAP from a licensed pharmacy with a legit prescription than yes. It is not legal for consumers to buy hydrocodone no prescription overnight or otherwise.
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A: It depends on both your location, and on the location of the dispensing pharmacy that sells Hydrocodone APAP. If your prescribing physician calls the script in at a pharmacy near you than Hydrocodone Overnight Delivery is often available. U.S. licensed discount pharmacies online generally also offer Hydrocodone FedEx Overnight Delivery.
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May 6th, 2010
Q: What is Hydrocodone/APAP ?
Answer: Hydrocodone APAP (aka Hydro/APAP) is the combination of Hydrocodone Bitrate and Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) found in prescription drugs known under brand names like Vicodin, Vicodin ES, Lortab, Lorcet and Norco.
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Answer: Hydrocodone/APAP is found in almost every U.S. pharmacy. There are also foreign pharmacies that sell this formula. Legit U.S. pain patients can often obtain refills for Hydrocodone APAP over the phone through use of doctor referral services online.
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A: If you buy Hydrocodone/APAP from a licensed pharmacy with a legit prescription than yes. It is not legal for consumers to buy hydrocodone no prescription overnight or otherwise.
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A: It depends on both your location, and on the location of the dispensing pharmacy that sells Hydrocodone APAP. If your prescribing physician calls the script in at a pharmacy near you than Hydrocodone Overnight Delivery is often available. U.S. licensed discount pharmacies online generally also offer Hydrocodone FedEx Overnight Delivery.
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A: No prescription Hydrocodone pharmacies can be found on the internet. Pharmacy Watch Dogs like FindRxOnline monitor and report on foreign pharmacies that sell HYDROCODONE+APAP and other prescription drugs. You should not buy hydrocodone online if this is in violation with the laws where you reside.
Watson 349 - Hydrocodone/APAP
You can use this Pharmacy Search Engine to find Prescription Drugs Online!
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Vicodin is a brand name prescription drug with narcotic analgesic properties, containing a mixture of Hydrocodone Bitrate and Acetaminophen. Vicodin may be prescribed after surgery and to suppress breakthrough pain. Alike other narcotic prescription pain medications Vicodin may cause addition, especially if used other than prescribed, or for longer than recommended by your physician. For more information on both international pharmacies and U.S. pharmacies that sell Vicodin or its generic equivalent, or if interested in information and reports on USA consultation services that use doctors who are willing to help legit pain patients with a documented medical condition, you can CLICK HERE
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Medicine, Drugs and Alcohol Increase Depression: "Medicine, Drugs and Alcohol May Cause Depression
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Not all people react well to the intake of prescription medications, however, if taking any of these medicines and you notice exhaustion, irritability, insomnia, anxiety, and so on, it is recommended to see the who prescribed the medications.
It is also important to indicate to your prescribing doctor exactly what medications you have been taking to avoid medication that may cause cross side effects and interactions.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Depression is a disorder of which millions of people suffer, and which is increasing every day. There are certain factors that cause this condition, such as the type of genetic and psychological makeup, but further also use of drugs, alcohol and addictive substances can increase depression when used over longer periods of time.
Sometimes depression can be increased by the side effect of certain medications, such as those which are used in the treatment of hypertension, select birth control pills (which affects the hormones and is known to be a possible cause for mood swings), use of steroids, and when using tranquilizers or sleeping pills.
Not all people react well to the intake of prescription medications, however, if taking any of these medicines and you notice exhaustion, irritability, insomnia, anxiety, and so on, it is recommended to see the who prescribed the medications.
It is also important to indicate to your prescribing doctor exactly what medications you have been taking to avoid medication that may cause cross side effects and interactions.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
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